Texas Cowboys: Undefeatable as Ever!
My time as the Region VIII reporter is coming to a close, and I would like to take this auspicious moment to thank everybody for allowing...

McCoy's Farm and Ranch Family: Region V Parsley Family
Congratulations to this month’s Farm and Ranch Family, the Parsleys! Jeff and Carrie have three children, Jordan (22), Emorie (18) and...

Whataburger's Whatakid: Jake Kahla
Congratulations to the Whatakid of the month, your THSRA 2019 President, Jake Kahla! Driven, goal-oriented and hard working could be a...

Region 1 THSRA/ TJHRA Wrap Up
Even with the abrupt end to our season our Region One contestants still managed to have an outstanding year! We have some outstanding...

McCoy's Farm and Ranch Family: Region IX Smith Family
Congratulations to this month’s Farm and Ranch Family, the Smiths! In order for their business, Smith Cattle Company & Smith Livestock...

Whataburger's Whatakid: Taylor Mobbs
Congratulations to the Whatakid of the month, Taylor Mobbs! If you don’t know her, you’ve probably seen her face a time or two, as she...

Region II Senior Spotlights
Because of COVID-19, Region 2’s season came to an abrupt end. We did not get to compete in our region finals, so the people who were in...
McCoy's Farm and Ranch Family: The Crews
Congratulations to this month’s Farm and Ranch Family, the Crews! Jack and Leslie work alongside their son, Sam (16), in order to make...

2020 State Finals Announcement
To: THSRA Student Athletes, Parents, Directors, and all Rodeo Personnel: In accordance with Texas ordinance related to Governor Abbott’s...

Whataburger's Whatakid: Claye Ann Sullivan
Congratulations to the Region IX Whatakid of the Month, Claye Ann Sullivan. The Anderson-Shiro High School senior resides in Anderson,...