McCoys' Farm and Ranch Family: the Moore Family
Congratulations to the McCoy’s Farm and Ranch family of the month, the Moore’s! Brent Moore and his wife, Ashley; their two children, Logan and Henry; and Brent’s parents, Mike and Becky Moore are the owners and operators of the Moore Ranch located in Eldorado, Texas.

Becky runs the office at the ranch and keeps the books, while Ashley, Logan and Henry help after school/work and weekends. The kids help Brent during the summer with whatever needs to be done, Ashley explained. “They have been their dad’s best hands this past summer; he hates to see school start.”
A routine day around the ranch includes mixing feed for the livestock in the feedlot, receiving or shipping out livestock from the feedlot, cleaning and sacking corn to be delivered to area feed stores and checking pasture waters and livestock.
“Our ranch is diversified in several ways,” Ashley said. “We have a cow/calf operation, a running sheep operation, and we operate a small feedlot where customers can feed out cattle or sheep.” Recently, the family added the sacking of deer corn and feed. They explained how there is a large hunting economy in their part of Texas, so they sell sacked corn to stores in several surrounding communities, as well as bulk cleaned corn to nearby ranches for their hunting operations.
The Moore Ranch is very much a family affair as Brent’s grandfather bought the ranch in 1950, and the Moore family has been operating it ever since. Right next to ranching on the list of Moore family activities lies rodeo. Brent and Ashley both participated in THSRA while growing up and now they get to watch their daughter, Logan, compete in the barrel racing, pole bending and breakaway roping as a THSRA member.
“It is fun now to see Logan compete against our rodeo friend’s children,” Ashley said. “We all enjoy our rodeo friends and miss them during the down times. Rodeo is a sport that brings a family together; we spend many hours together practicing and driving down the road together.”
Everyone has to do their part around the ranch, so that when the time comes to leave for a rodeo weekend, all chores are tended to, allowing the family to leave on time and not worry about things back home. “We have too much invested in horses, trailers, trucks etc to not keep everything in good running order,” Ashley said.
In some cases, McCoy’s helps keep things on the ranch in solid running condition. The nearest McCoy’s for the Moore family is located in San Angelo.
“McCoy’s has the materials when we are replacing and repairing fences and water lines and troughs,” Ashley said. “We also buy material there when repairing and updating houses on the ranch.”
The family said they are honored to be chosen as the McCoy’s Farm and Ranch family of the Month. “We appreciate all McCoy’s does to support the THSRA; there are many kids benefitting from their sponsorship.”